Article by Leo Lyon Zagami
Last week Vatican officials announced they are planning a two-day conference in November 2018 to address the many parishes being closed around the world and sold for profane use. Such buildings often end up as Mosques facilitating the gradual Islamic take-over of the West. Other closed churches have been turned into concert halls, nightclubs or gelato shops. The conversion of non-Islamic places of worship into mosques is typical of Islam, and occurred during the life of prophet Muhammad. It continued during subsequent Islamic conquests, and under historical Muslim rule, and as a result, numerous Hindu temples, churches, synagogues, the Parthenon and Zoroastrian temples were all converted into mosques.
In the Dutch province of Friesland for example, 250 of 720 existing churches have been transformed or closed. The Fatih Camii Mosque in Amsterdam was once the Saint Ignatius Church of the Jesuits.
Germany is literally selling its churches. Between 1990 and 2010, the German Evangelical Church closed 340 churches, and recently in Hamburg, a Lutheran church was purchased by the Muslim community.
However, the Vatican does not want to address this problem and says that the purpose of the conference is not “whether or when to dispose of or sell a church — the ultimate choice is that of the bishops and sometimes it is an obligatory choice — but rather to demonstrate the need for long-term planning involving the communities and the search for an understanding with the civil authorities.”
The Vatican conference — titled “Does God Still Live Here?” — will produce a document with a set of guidelines for closing churches, that of course will not prevent Islam from outstripping Christianity of its identity and worship places.
Three years ago, the Muslim French leader Dalil Boubakeur suggested turning empty churches into mosques and nobody blinked an eye. “History teaches us that these transformations are rarely innocent,” said Bertrand Dutheil de La Rochère, an assistant to Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front party.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
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