Papa Francesco e Sergio Mattarella in the Vatican, 18 april 2015. POOL ANSA / MAURIZIO BRAMBATTI
Article by Leo Zagami
Today, the heading in an article in the Italian newpaper Il Giornale read: “From the bishops to the Jesuits: the Church takes action to defend the Quirinal.”
As Italy descends into political chaos the Vatican takes action. Jesuit Francesco Occhetta, journalist of La Civiltà Cattolica and expert on political matters writes: “We feel so close and support the President of the Republic in this difficult time for the institutions.”
From the head of the Italian bishops, Nunzio Galantino, to the Jesuits, in the last few hours all the mercenaries of Pope Francis are coming out in the open in support of Sergio Mattarella, the Italian President and traitor of the Italian people, with his undemocratic decision to ignore the results of Italy’s elections.
The Catholic newspaper Avvenire defined this situation as: “the absurd siege”of Quirinal Palace. The director Marco Tarquinio writes, “No leader worthy of the name, and of a decent democracy can afford to try to impose, with a sort of thundering and absurd siege to the Quirinal Palace, his claims regarding decisions and appointments that fall within the prerogatives of the maximum guarantor of our democratic institutions “.
Unfortunately, as some experts have pointed out, President Sergio Mattarella’s decision to reject the nomination of Paolo Savona as economy minister and the refusal of the government offered by the coalition has not only violated the will of the people, but also the Italian Constitution, so this staunch opposition by the Vatican is no longer acceptable.
5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Luigi Di Maio rightly said
“There is a big problem in Italy that is called democracy.
In this country you can be a condemned criminal, a tax-fraud convict, you can be (Foreign Minister Angelino) Alfano, you can have done crimes against the civil service, you can be under investigation for corruption and you can be a minister.
“But if you have criticised Europe, you cannot be economy minister in Italy. But it doesn’t end here”.
There is a growing opposition coming from the 5-Star Movement and other political parties, like Fratelli d’Italia, to impeach the President forhigh treason and violation of the Constitution, a President who is defended by the Vatican and Pope Francis.
Cardinals like Gualtiero Bassetti even said that the coalition between the 5-Star Movement and the Northern League was “confusing their roles” when in reality nobody is confusing their roles, we simply want a Italian goverment chosen by the people, not the Vatican, or the EU’s unelected bureaucrats.
Famous Italian journalist and thinker Massimo Fini wrote that this is a, “presidential coup d’état”adding that,“it is not the prerogative of the Italian president to choose a political direction of a goverment”.
Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society
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