“The mafia is ours, Made in Italy,” Pope Francis stated on Saturday, infuriating Italians!


Article by Leo Zagami


During a speech last Saturday, while receiving a delegation of students, teachers, and parents of the San Carlo Institute, a high school in Milan, Italy, on the occasion of its 150th anniversary, the Jesuit Pope shocked and angered Italy once again.

The Pope engaged in a Q&A session, and at one point after justifying his own Communist values by saying “This is not Communism, but the teaching of Jesus” he went on to shock  the audience by saying that migrants are not criminals, and the Mafia was not invented by Nigerians.

Pope Francis, in typical Godfather style fashion, stated,“The mafia is ours, made in Italy: it is ours,”adding, “We all have the chance to be criminals.” He went on to say that, on the contrary, migrants bring us riches, a statement that made many Italians furious!

Back in 2007, Tony Gambino of the Gambino Crime Family, stated to a journalist I know very well, that the Vatican was behind all the pedophile and drug rings. At the time, Mr. Gambino said his prime motivation for revealing the “inside details”of Mafia corruption was to prove to Americans how the Vatican and U.S. government work together in orchestrating the huge pedophile and drug rings that are destroying the very fabric of American society.

For this reason, the recent statements made by the Italian church about dissolving their links to the mob are a complete farce, because the Jesuits and Pope Francis still control the Italian mafia that is a “Made in Italy” product of the Catholic Church. Critics of Pope Francis feel that the Vatican is, in fact,  increasingly silencing, eliminating, and replacing  those opposing its views in a typical mafia style.


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Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics



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