The Head of St. Gallen Mafia who elected Pope Francis dies


Six years ago, after the election of  the “False Prophet” Bergoglio, Cardinal Danneels stood in the background, second to the right of Pope Francis in the photo


Article by Leo Zagami


Reuters described his death yesterday with the following words: “Belgian Cardinal Godfried Danneels, a strong liberal voice within the Roman Catholic Church and once seen as an outside contender to succeed Pope John Paul II, has died, the Vatican said on Thursday.”

In a telegram sent to Cardinal Jozef De Kesel, Danneels’ successor is Archbishop of Mechelin-Brussels, Pope Francis said he learned “with sadness”of Cardinal Danneels’ death, and expressed condolences to all those affected by this loss.”

Pope Francis even described Cardinal Daneels as a zealous pastor”who served the Church with dedication, not only in his diocese but also at the national level as president of the Conference of Bishops of Belgium, while being a member of various Roman dicasteries.”

Pope Francis, who deliberately ignored the truth about this known pedophile protector noted  Cardinal Danneels’ active participation in various Synods of Bishops, including the Synods on the Family, to which he was even appointed by Pope Francis.

Six years ago, after the election of  the “False Prophet” Bergoglio, Cardinal Danneels stood in the background, second to the right of Pope Francis (in the photo), but the pervert protecting cardinals and the Mafia Don of St. Gallen’s lodge who helped to elect this demonic Pope, is finally dead.

So let’s learn the truth about him. Danneels was, in fact, head of a secretive group of left-leaning Church leaders known as the St. Gallen Mafia — so named after their meeting place in St. Gallen, Switzerland.  Although the group was disbanded in 2005 when it then failed to elect Argentina’s Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio to the Papal See, it was eventually resurrected in 2013 after the sudden abdication of Pope Benedict XVI.

Cardinal Godfried Danneels died yesterday at the age of 85 in his native Belgium. Danneels served as Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and leader of the Belgian Bishops’ Conference for more than thirty years. However, later in life, Danneels was widely recognized as an influential member of the mysterious group that arranged Pope Francis elections the “St. Gallen Mafia.” Considered among the more progressive churchmen of his generation, Danneels who was also said to have participated to Satanic Masses in the Vatican and in Belgium by credible sources, was an enthusiastic supporter of the Second Vatican Council and the  liturgical reforms planned by the Jesuits and Liberal Freemasonry which have ultimately destroyed the Catholic Faith.

As leader of the Church in Belgium, the Cardinal was an established figure in national life, involved with pedophile elite of this country, keeping close company with politicians and members of the royal family. Danneels spoke favorably in 2013 of the legalization of gay marriage in Belgium, telling a Dutch newspaper, “I think it’s a positive development that states are free to open up civil marriage for gays if they want.”

 He was criticized for this apparent willingness to embrace secular-liberal politics and in recent years, the truth about him began to surface in the media, and accusations of mismanagement and cover-up of clerical sexual abuse gradually cast a shadow over his past leadership of the Catholic Church in Belgium. Elizabeth Yore, an international child rights attorney who has provided legal and technical assistance to families of victims and the Belgian government in child abuse and child murder cases, provided Voice of the Family with the following report:

On April 8, 2010, the newly retired Cardinal Danneels received some visitors at his home. They were the relatives of the Bishop of Bruges, Roger Vangheluwe, Danneels’ close friend. At this meeting, the nephew of Vangheluwe described a long and sordid 13-year molestation by his uncle, the Bishop of Bruges. Cardinal Daneels advised the nephew not to go public with the sexual abuse. During the meeting, Danneels advised the young man “not to make a lot of noise”about the abuse he endured from his uncle bishop because Vangheluwe was scheduled to retire in a year anyway. “It would be better that you wait, ”  advised Danneels, while also urging the young man to forgive his uncle. The conversation was tape recorded by the nephew and subsequently released to the press. Cardinal Danneels, the former head of Belgium’s Roman Catholic Church for 3 decades, could be heard on tape urging this sexual abuse victim to stay quiet and not disclose the abuse until after the bishop who repeatedly molested him over a span of 13 years could retire. After the release of the recording, Danneels did not dispute the authenticity of the conversation.

The Belgian Police once conducted a surprise raid on the Cardinal’s residence and office looking for documents relating to clergy abuse and questioned the Cardinal for 10 hours. Although the Cardinal was never charged, the Catholic Church’s own investigation commission issued a 200-page report on September 10, 2010, but he was still protected and regarded as a major influence by his protegé Pope Francis, until last week.

The St. Gallen Group was an informal group of high ranking like-minded pedophiles and progressive clerics of the Roman Catholic Church linked to Satanism and the Illuminati.

This is what I wrote about them in the past:



Leo Zagamy Confessions 666

Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new groundbreaking book  Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 6.66 The Age of Cyber Satan, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics


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Leo Zagami is also the author of  Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 


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