Michael Moore listens to the Pope and tells Italians to, “Bring the Communist back”


Article by Leo Lyon Zagami


Michael Moore seemed ignorant of the history of the left in Italy, in a recent interview with the Italian press agency Ansa, when he promoted the return of the Italian Communist Party, that he says will help fight the rise of populism and what Moore defines as 21st century Fascism.


So, let me underline the many inconsistencies of this idiotic statement made by Michael Moore, a man who accuses Trump of “being held hostage by the Russians,” but at the same time wants to promote the return of Russian financed Communism in Italy. Communism in Italy eventually ended because of lack of funds after the fall of the Berlin Wall, when the leadership of the Italian Communist Party (known also by the acronym PCI), an organization which still had at the time around 1 million members, went through a time of turmoil to assess the impact, both political and practical.

Through the 1980s, the Italian Communist Party played a two-faced game to survive, like many of its politicians, once shameless Russian agents, who were forced to collaborate with the C.I.A, endorsing anti-strike laws, and supporting Italy’s decision to (fortunately) remain within NATO, in 1986. Officially, they became reluctant to defend their association with Eastern European Communism, but in reality, the Mitrokhin Commission, an Italian parliamentary commission set up by Berlusconi in 2002, to investigate alleged KGB ties by Italian Communists, found strong evidence of corruption exercised on the Italian Communist by the ex-Soviet Union.

In 1989, the party’s general secretary, Achille Occhetto, immediately announced an emergency conference that would dissolve and be replace the Italian Communist Party with a new formation. What form the new organization would take was unclear–so it became known as la cosa, “the thing.” The thing in question was to rename the party and completely rewrite its underlying program. Eventually, in the 90s, the Italian Communist Party (PCI) was transformed into the Democratic Party of the Left (PDS), with a process aimed at uniting left-wing and centre-left forces into a single political entity that eventually became, in 2007, the Italian Democratic Party. One of the founders was Romano Prodi, a former center-left Prime Minister of Italy and president of the European Commission from 1999 to 2004, who was indicated by the Commission as  “KGB’s man in Italy.”

However, the allegations of KGB ties and the Italian Communist were conveniently dropped in March 2006, just in time for the April 2006 general election that was won by Romano Prodi’s centre-left, L’Unione, and in November 2006, the new Italian parliament instituted a commission to investigate the Mitrokhin Commission for allegations that it was manipulated for political purposes.

On the 14th of October 2007, Freemason and globalist Romano Prodi became the first President of the Democratic Party, and is currently serving as the United Nations Special Envoy for the Sahe, demonstrating the leftist nature of this evil mondialist institution.

In the interview, Michael Moore also talks about the disappearance  of a newspaper called l’Unità, conveniently forgetting that this once left-wing publication became the mouthpiece of left-wing mondialism, and the newspaper of the party’s successive parties, the Democratic Party of the Left, then the Democrats of the Left, and from October 2007 until its closure in 2017, the Democratic Party.

Michael Moore should be ashamed of himself for stating that Italians should welcome back Communism, as this great evil was only defeated in last March elections that saw the final decline of their successor party, the Italian Democratic Party. No wonder, Pope Francis allegedly told left-wing propagandist Michael Moore that capitalism is a “sin” during their private meeting that took place on the 17th of October 2018.

According to Moore, it was Pope Francis who sought the meeting, not himself. “I went to the weekly audience, and then he asked to speak to me privately. It was an amazing moment, and I asked him if I could ask him a question. And he said, Yes. And I said, Do you believe that an economic system that benefits the few, the wealthy at the expense of the many is a sin? And he said to me, “Si” in Italian. And I said, “So you believe capitalism, the kinda — the capitalism we have now is a sin?”He goes, “Yes, it is.” He said, “The poor must always come first.”

Michael Moore, an avowed socialist, who has spent his entire career promoting pro-abortion politicians, is suddenly a hero of the Catholic Church, that is openly supporting Communism through the Pope.



Leo Zagami is a regular contributor to Infowars and the author of the new book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 5: The Decline of the West and the Rise of Satanism in our Society 

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